
Ring loves external contributions but we do not use the Github PR system. Instead, we host a public gerrit server:

Before submitting a contribution, you need to register on our Gerrit server either with your Github or Google account.

Head to the settings section to set one of the following:

In each Ring submodule there is a .gitreview file. It contains all the necessary info to send a patchset to our gerrit server.

After you commited your changes (one or multiple commits) you can submit them with:


More documentation on Gerrit can be found on the official website.

Making Changes

  • [Optionnal] Create a ticket in our Tuleap bug tracker

  • Make commits of logical units.

  • Check for unnecessary whitespace with git diff –check before committing.

  • Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format
    • 50 chars title
    • 80 chars message width